



Steve Mitchell has the skills it takes to help bring your dreams to reality. Whether it is a development project, a signal or roadway safety improvement, or public outreach, Steve knows what has to be done and how to get it done!

Stephen F Mitchell PE


Steve was born in the Bronx, New York, where he earned his Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree at Manhattan College. He went on to earn a Master of Science in Transportation Planning and Engineering at Polytechnic University (now part of NYU). Following 4 years working on Long Island and 2 in Westchester County, he took a “temporary” assignment in Manchester, Connecticut in 1983, and has been a consultant in Connecticut ever since.

Steve’s experience includes working on projects for the State of Connecticut, several regional planning agencies, and many of Connecticut’s municipalities. In the private sector, he has worked for many developers and corporate clients.

Steve’s experience runs across the breadth of transportation, and includes planning and design projects for cars, trucks, buses, trains, light rail, streetcars, bus rapid transit, pedestrian and multi-use paths, and airport interfaces. He has participated in many of the State’s largest projects, and many Connecticut “firsts”, such as the first Wal*Mart, the first Home Depot, the first Lifestyle Center, the first casino, the first busway, and the first Adaptive Signal Control system. He must often find common ground between agencies and stakeholders with divergent needs so that a project can progress to completion.


representative clients


  • State agencies, such as NYSDOT, MASS Highway, NJDOT, CT DOT, RIDOT, IDOT and CT OPM.

  • Local municipalities in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Utah and Texas.

  • Other public agencies, such as Westchester County, NY; the Tri-State Regional Planning Agency (NY/NJ/CT); the Capitol Regional Council of Governments (CRCOG), Sikorsky Airport, the Bradley Airport Development Authority, and the University of Connecticut.

  • Developers and major corporations, such as ING, CIGNA, The Hartford Insurance Company, and The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation.

  • Many groups and sections within CT DOT, including Traffic Engineering, the Office of State Traffic Administration (formerly the State Traffic Commission), Concept Design, Bureau of Planning, Special Projects, Bridge Design, Rights of Way, Public Transportation, and the four district offices.


personal and Professional Information

  • Worked with the Office of Policy and Management, the Department of Public Works, the City of Hartford, the Town of East Hartford and the Rentschler Field & Adriaen’s Landing project teams in the preparation of the study documents and infrastructure improvements necessary for the successful completion of these projects.

  • Worked with the City of Hartford public officials and staff in the resolution of transportation management plans related to construction activities and operations at the Connecticut Convention Center.

  • Worked with the City of Bridgeport, the Town of Stratford, CTDOT, CTDEEP, USEPA, USACE, and USFAA to design and install a Runway Safety Area at Sikorsky Airport. The work required the relocation of a State highway in a sensitive wetlands area adjacent to Long Island Sound.

  • Institute of Transportation Engineers – Member

  • Women’s Transportation Seminar – Member

  • Former Adjunct Professor / Instructor for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute P.E. Review Course for over 25 years, earning the highest ranking in student assessment and review of all instructors on the team.

  • Former Editor of the ITE New England section Newsletter.

  • ITE Connecticut Chapter Transportation Achievement Award 2011

  • Chairman, Greater Hartford Transit District

    • Appointed to the Board of Directors of the Greater Hartford Transit District (GHTD) in May of 1992, as a representative of the Town of Enfield, and have served as the Board’s chairman for the past 15 years.

      The Transit District consists of 28 directors from 16 member towns, and is responsible for the operation of the ADA Paratransit services in the Greater Hartford area, consisting of service in all or part of 20 individual municipalities. The District also manages the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for 70 member organizations, manages the Insurance Consortium for 11 Transit Districts, and is the landlord and caretaker of Union Station, a National Historic Landmark. The District operates a $21 million annual budget and has $10 million in assets.

  • Former Editor of the Connecticut Electric Railroad Association (The Connecticut Trolley Museum, East Windsor, CT) Newsletter

  • Connecticut Electric Railroad Association (Trolley Museum) – Qualified Operator

  • Boy Scouts of America – Counselor, Former Assistant Scoutmaster

  • Americares Homefront - Construction Volunteer

  • Hartford Habitat for Humanity – Construction Volunteer

  • Archdiocese of Hartford St. Joseph Medal 2009

  • Town of Enfield Volunteer of the Year 2017


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